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9th April 2014

Gapless Digital Audio Playback - One Solution Image

Gapless Digital Audio Playback - One Solution

2nd April 2014

Working with ISO-8859-1 and Unicode Character Sets Image

Working with ISO-8859-1 and Unicode Character Sets

A brief and not too technical explanation of character encoding

25th March 2014

Converting Fixed-Width Text Files To CSV in C++ (and for free) Image

Converting Fixed-Width Text Files To CSV in C++ (and for free)

A recent data acquisition brought forth the requirement to process fixed-width text files that co...

12th March 2014

Normalising Nationalities (via a good ISO-3166 Country List) Image

Normalising Nationalities (via a good ISO-3166 Country List)

20th February 2014

Fast and simple deceased suppression Image

Fast and simple deceased suppression

Our bulk deceased checking has been improved

19th February 2014

The United States in CSV Format Image

The United States in CSV Format

17th January 2014

NEW SERVICE - Search for UK people using electoral roll and telephone directory data Image

NEW SERVICE - Search for UK people using electoral roll and telephone directory data

14th March 2013

Multiple value input field with jQuery Image

Multiple value input field with jQuery

24th February 2013

Line Segment Intersection for Partial or Lapsed Mathematicians Image

Line Segment Intersection for Partial or Lapsed Mathematicians

22nd February 2013

TPS checks much cheaper!  Image

TPS checks much cheaper!

22nd February 2013

Combined TPS and CTPS checking now available Image

Combined TPS and CTPS checking now available

31st January 2013

Prevent XSS (Cross Site Scripting) in PHP. Image

Prevent XSS (Cross Site Scripting) in PHP.