Addresses & Postcodes
Our Address & Postcode API methods are invaluable business tools that can manage deliveries, improve navigation and verify customer addresses.
Service name | Credits per use | Notes |
Search for a postcode or address (address_search) |
1.7 |
Use our data to find a UK address from a postcode or vice versa. This is the most up-to-date source of address information you can find in the UK. More Info |
See who lives at an address (address_person) |
4 |
Obtain the names and telephone numbers of all residents who have lived, or are currently living, at a specified address. More Info |
Geo-code an address (geo_code) |
0.01 |
Convert a postcode, place or street into a geographical location, as both latitude/longitude and northings/eastings. More Info |
Reverse geo-code an address (reverse_geo_code) |
2 |
Convert geographic coordinates to their nearest address. More Info |
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