
Full API Method List

View all available methods in the T2A API

Find People Methods

Service name Credits per use Notes
Search for a person

Search the edited electoral register, the phone book, companies house data and consumer data for a person.

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See who lives at an address

Obtain the names and telephone numbers of all residents who have lived, or are currently living, at a specified address.

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Search the electoral roll
or (full_electoral_roll)

Search the electoral roll for people by entering their name and/or their address/partial address. Results can be found for people who are ex-directory.

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Find a residential phone number

Search the current telephone data for people by entering their name and/or their address/partial address.

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Search for a company director
and (director_details)
0.01 and 10

Search for and find details about a company director or other company officer, using companies house data.

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Check if a person is deceased
and (deceased_bulk)

Check the bereavement register to ascertain whether or not a person is deceased.

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Validate a person
or (age_verification)
10 or 20

Search the edited electoral register, the phone book, companies house data and consumer data for a person.

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Data enrichment

A facility to append business or residential telephone numbers to a CSV dataset.

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Addresses & Postcode Methods

Service name Credits per use Notes
Search for a postcode or address

Use our data to find a UK address from a postcode or vice versa. This is the most up-to-date source of address information you can find in the UK.

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See who lives at an address

Obtain the names and telephone numbers of all residents who have lived, or are currently living, at a specified address.

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Geo-code an address
or (geo_code)

Convert a postcode, place or street into a geographical location, as both latitude/longitude and northings/eastings.

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Reverse geo-code an address

Convert geographic coordinates to their nearest address.

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Validation Methods

Service name Credits per use Notes
Age Verification

Validate your data against our UK people data sources to see if a record, aged over 18, is found.

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Using Wordpress for your website? Get our Age Verification Plugin

Validate a person

Validate a UK person by checking if they exist in our data which includes: the edited electoral register, the phone book, companies house data and consumer data.

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Check if a number is TPS registered

Check a telephone number against both the TPS and CTPS registers.

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Validate an email address

Validate the syntax of an email address whilst also checking that the domain actually exists.

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Validate a VAT number

Check whether a VAT number is in the correct format.

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Check if a person is deceased
and (deceased_bulk)

Check the bereavement register to ascertain whether or not a person is deceased.

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Companies Methods

Service name Credits per use Notes
Search for a company or business
or (company_details)
2.5 or 1

Search the phone book and companies house data to find a company or business.

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Find a business telephone number
(business search)
and (telephone_business_class)

Search the phone book and companies house data to find a UK business telephone number by name and/or location.

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Search for a company director
and (director_details)
0.01 and 1

Search for and find details about a company director or other company officer, using companies house data

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Get a list of company appointments

Obtain a list of the officer appointments for a UK company.

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Get a credit report on a company

Get a full credit report on a UK company.

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Get a company's mortgage index

Obtain a list of charges, past and present, against a company.

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Get a company's filing history

Obtain the filing history for a UK company.

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Download a company document

Using a company number and image key obtained from the company_details method you can download a scan of a company document.

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Company name search

Search for a company number by name.

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Validate a company number

Enter a company number to check if it is valid.

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Valiate a VAT

Check whether a VAT number is in the correct format.

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Phone Numbers Methods

Service name Credits per use Notes
Find a business telephone number
or (telephone_business_class)

Search the phone book and companies house data to find a UK business telephone number by name and/or location.

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Find a residential telephone number

Search the phone book to find a UK residential phone number.

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Validate a phone number

Search the phone book and companies house data to find a UK business telephone number by name and/or location.

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Check if a phone number is TPS registered

Obtain a list of the officer appointments for a UK company.

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Bulk TPS checking

A facility to bulk TPS/CTPS check a CSV file of business or residential telephone numbers.

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Locate a landline number

Pinpoint the geographical location of a mobile phone or landline simply by using the phone number.

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Find an international dialling code

Find out which telephone prefix code is required to call another country.

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Find a UK dialling code

Find out which telephone prefix code is required to call another country.

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Send a text message

Send a text message (SMS) to a mobile number.

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Contact data enrichment

A facility to append business or residential contact telephone numbers to a CSV dataset.

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Valiate a mobile phone number

Validate a UK mobile telephone number and return the current network, the original network and an indicator if the number is still in use.

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Geolocation Methods

Service name Credits per use Notes
Geo-code an address

Convert a postcode, place or street into a geographical location, as both latitude/longitude and northings/eastings.

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Geo-code a single address

This method returns accurate geo-co-ordinates for a single address in England, Wales or Scotland.

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Reverse geo-code an address

Convert geographic coordinates to their nearest address.

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