Find Company Details

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This Service provides general information relating to a company whose details are known to Companies House.

Mandatory Parameters

Name Description
api_key or javascript_key Use your API key if invoking server-side. If invoking from the browser via JavaScript, generate a JavaScript key using the javascript_key method.
company_number The limited company number or non-limited company ID - returned, where available, from the business_search method.

Optional Parameters

Name Description
client You can optionally include an identifier for your final client or user. This is logged in your usage log and you will be able to view your usage statistics by client.
output Set to json for a JSON response; the default response is XML. Not applicable to the SOAP API.
callback When using JSON, specify a JSONP wrapper in which the JSON response is to be wrapped.
show_mortgage Set to true to return a list of charges, past and present against this company. Defaults to false.
show_filing Set to true to return the filing history for this company. Defaults to false.
show_appointment Set to true to return a list of the officer appointments for this company. Defaults to false.
records_per_page This is a global setting which specifies the number of company_charge, company_filing_history and director records to be displayed on a page.
mortgage_page_number Specify the company_charge_list page number to be displayed. This is a zero-based integer.
filing_page_number Specify the filing_history_list page number to be displayed. This is a zero-based integer.
appointment_page_number Specify the director_list page number to be displayed. This is a zero-based integer.

Returned Values

The XML response is contained within a <company_details_res> element.

Name Description
status Returns ok if the operation has succeeded, or error if an error has occurred; Returns the error_code for error details.
error_code Returns the error code when the status is error. See below for error codes.
t2a_version_number The current API version number.
credit_used The number of credits used in order to execute the request.
mode Returns normal or test when executed in the free test mode.
company A company response structure.
filing_history_list A list of company_filing_history records.
company_charge_list A list of company_charge records.
director_list A list of director records.
total_company_charge The total number of company_charge records, irrespective of the number displayed on any page.
total_filing_history The total number of company_filing_history records, irrespective of the number displayed on any page.
total_director The total number of director records, irrespective of the number displayed on any page.
company_shareholder_list List of company_shareholder elements
company_financial_list List of company_financial elements

Response Structure <company>

This structure is only used by this method.

Element Description
name The company name.
company_number The unique Companies House company number.

The data set to which this record belongs. These are:-

  • Live
  • Dissolved
  • Former
  • Proposed

Effective: Proposed Name accepted for processing.

Rejected: Proposed Name Rejected.

Removed: Removed from register (Converted or Closed).

CngOfName: Change of name.

Disssolved: Company is dissolved.

InLiq: In Liquidation.

StatusR: For a Scottish company, this will indicate that the company is in receivership. For English/Welsh companies, the "receivership" flag may mean that one or more of the company's properties has gone into receivership.

company_date The date on which the Action / Event took place
previous_name_list A list of company_previous_name records.
account_list A list of company_account records.
return_list A list of company_return records.
sic_code_list A list of company_sic_code records.
limited_partnership_list A list of company_limited_partnership records.
mortgage_list A list of company_mortgage records.

Contains the registered address.

The following elements are nested within the registered address:-

  • line_1
  • line_2
  • line_3
  • place
  • town
  • postcode
  • addr_single_line
company_category See the Company Categories appendix.
company_status See the Company Status appendix.
country_of_origin See the appendix for a complete list of values.

This is a Label indicator - SE companies have various registration methods.

This indicator allows the correctly registration method to be identified.

0 = Date of Registration 1 = Date of Formation in GB 2 = Date of Transfer into GB 3 = Date of Transformation 4 = Date of Conversion.

incorporation_date Only supplied for companies which are incorporated in English, Wales and Scotland.
registration_date Only supplied for companies which are NOT 0, SC, SE and ES prefixes.
dissolution_date Only supplied for companies which are incorporated in English,Wales and Scotland.
closure_date Only supplied for companies which are NOT incorporated in English,Wales and Scotland.
weeded_date Only supplied where applicable. Indicates the date on which the Microfiche has been weeded.
has_uk_establishment_info 0 = No 1 = Yes Indicates that an Overseas company has registered a UK Establishment name and address with Companies House (previously referred to as 'Branch').
has_appointments 0 = No 1 = Yes Indicates that a company has Company Appointment details registered at Companies House.
in_liquidation 0 = No 1 = Yes Indicates that at some point during the companies life insolvency proceedings have taken place.

Note: non-ltd companies only

List of company_bankruptcy nodes


Note: non-ltd companies only

List of credit_limit nodes


Note: non-ltd companies only

List of credit_rating nodes


Note: non-ltd companies only

List of credit_rating nodes


Note: ltd companies only

This existing field is now populated.

This is the Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE) index, to which this company belongs, if any. Possible values:-

FTSE SmallCap
FTSE Fledgling


Note: ltd companies only

This is the London Stock Exchange TechMark index value. Possible values:-



Note: ltd companies only

A date_details element. The latest annual return date


Note: ltd companies only

A date_details element. The accounts filing date


Note: ltd companies only

A date_details element. The latest accounts date


Note: ltd companies only

A true or false response. The accounts overdue status of the company.


Note: ltd companies only

A date_details element. The accounts due date


Note: ltd companies only

A date_details element. The accounts made up date


Note: ltd companies only

Text, format YYMM, the accounts reference date.


Note: ltd companies only

A true or false response. The confirmation overdue status of the company.


Note: ltd companies only

A date_details element. The confirmation due date


Note: ltd companies only

A date_details element. The confirmation next made up to date


Note: ltd companies only

Adverse Flag – Administration Order. "Y" if set


Note: ltd companies only

Adverse Flag – Voluntary Agreement. "Y" if set


Note: ltd companies only

Adverse Flag – In Administration. "Y" if set


Note: ltd companies only

Adverse Flag – Receiver/Manager. "Y" if set


Note: ltd companies only

The postcode area of the registered office, e.g. YO, DT


Note: ltd companies only

The "care of" address.


Note: ltd companies only

The type of accounts filed. Possible values:-

Not Available
Full Accounts
Small Company
Medium Company
Total Exemption Full
Total Exemption Small
Partial Exemption
Audit Exemption Subsidiary
Filing Exemption Subsidiary
Not Available
Micro-Entity Accounts
Audited Abridged
Unaudited Abridged

Response Structure <company_previous_name>

This structure is only used by this method.

Element Description
con_date The date of the change, in the format YYYY-MMDD.
previous_name The previous name.

Response Structure <company_account>

This structure is only used by this method.

Element Description
account_ref_date The accounting reference date in the format DD-MM.
next_due_date The next due date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
overdue Accounts overdue YES or NO.
last_made_up_date In the format YYYY-MM-DD.
accounts_category Describes type of accounts filed.
documents_available 1 if the documents are available.

Response Structure <company_return>

This structure is only used by this method.

Element Description
next_due_date The next due date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
overdue Accounts overdue YES or NO.
last_made_up_date In the format YYYY-MM-DD.
documents_available 1 if the documents are available.

Response Structure <company_sic_code>

This structure is only used by this method.

Element Description
sic_text Only supplied where applicable. If none given, message "None Supplied" is shown.

Response Structure <company_limited_partnership>

This structure is only used by this method.

Element Description
num_gen_partners Only supplied where applicable (for LP and SL companies).
num_lim_partners Only supplied where applicable (for LP and SL companies).

Response Structure <company_mortgage>

This structure is only used by this method.

Element Description

Supplies 3 values of:-

LT300 (less than 300)
GE300 (greater than or equal to 300)

num_mort_charges Total number of charges registered against the company.
num_mort_outstanding Total Number of Outstanding charges registered against the company.
num_mort_satisfied Total Number of Satisfied charges registered against the company.
num_mort_part_satisfied Total Number of Part Satisfied charges registered against the company.

Response Structure <company_charge>

This structure is only used by this method.

Element Description
alteration_indicator Only supplied where applicable (Scottish Companies only) - display "Alteration to Charge".
amount Description of charge amount.
charge_number The unique charge number for this particular company.
charge_satisfied Indicates the current status of the charge options are Satisfied, Part Satisfied and Outstanding.
charge_type Type of charge.
creation_date Creation date in YYYY-MM-DD.
description Description of the charge.
details_on_fiche_ind Indicates that there is additional information on the actual document display "SEE THE MORTGAGE CHARGE DOCUMENT FOR FULL DETAILS".
person_entitled_list List of company_charge_person_entitled records. This is a list of entities that are entitled to the charge.
receiver_appt_ind Set if a receiver has been appointed.
registration_date Registration date in YYYY-MM-DD.
satisfied_date Satisfied date in YYYY-MM-DD.

Response Structure <company_charge_person_entitled>

This structure is only used by this method.

Element Description
name Name of the entity.

Response Structure <company_filing_history>

This structure is only used by this method.

Element Description
document_description Description of the document.
document_date The date the document was registered at companies house - not the received date.
form_type See the Companies House form types appendix.
image_key Only supplied where applicable - Provides a unique reference to documents filed at Companies House. Used for retrieval of the document in company_document_download.
doc_being_scanned Only supplied where applicable - indicates that the document has only recently been received and is not available for public inspection yet.
child_list A list of company_filing_history_child records.

Response Structure <company_filing_history_child>

This structure is only used by this method.

Element Description
document_date The date the document was registered at companies house - not the received date.
form_type See the Companies House form types appendix.
document_description A description of the annotation.
latest_statement_of_capital If set, indicates that the statement of capital associated Ind with the document is the latest Statement of Capital.

Response Structure <company_bankruptcy>

This structure is only used by this method.

Element Description
limit The credit limit amount
limit_date A date_details structure, detailing the date of this limit

Response Structure <credit_limit>

This structure is only used by this method.

Element Description
surname The subject surname
forename The subject forename
occupation The subject's occupation
serial Serial Number
match How the subject was matched. Address,Exact_Name, or Full_Match_Address_Name
court Court name
case_number The case number
gazette_number The gazette number
gazette_date A date_details structure
notice_number The notice number
bankruptcy_type The bankruptcy type
bankruptcy_date_details A date_details structure, detailing the date of the order
petition_type Creditor or Debtor
petition_date_details A date_details structure, detailing the date of the petition
business_name_1 Business name 1
business_name_2 Alternate business name
business_name_3 Alternate business name
alt_surname_1 Alternate surname
alt_forename_1 Alternate forename
alt_surname_2 Alternate surname

Response Structure <credit_rating>

This structure is only used by this method.

Element Description
rating_score The credit score, 0-100
rating_date A date_details structure, detailing the date of this rating

Error Codes

See the common error codes. There are no errors which are specific to this method.

Free Test Mode

When operating in the free test mode errors are returned if mandatory parameters are missing, or it returns a dummy data response, in an identical format to a real response.

Note that the mode is returned as test when the method is operating in the free test mode.

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Price Calculator

Number of checks: 50 Price per check: 50p