Easy circular images with CSS!

10th April 2014 by Ian Martin

Easy+circular+images+with+CSS! Image

Easy circular images with CSS!

10th April 2014 by Ian Martin

Circular images are all the rage on the world wide web at the moment. Here’s how you do it.

First – It’s not essential, but this will work much better with images that are already square-shaped, so maybe do that. Nothing will fall into tiny little microscopic pieces of failure if you don’t though.

Second – the HTML.

<div class="img-circular"><img src="duck.jpg" alt="duck" /></div>

Yes, we COULD just use a single DIV and set its background image, to cut down on a bit of HTML, but if you’re pulling your images from a database, and chances are you might be – this method will cause you much less trouble!

Third (and last, actually) – the CSS.

.img-circular {
     width: 417px;
     height: 417px;
     border-radius: 50%;
     overflow: hidden;
