Full Electoral Roll Search

Search the full electoral roll for people by entering their name an/or their address/partial address.

Searches the full electoral register for a UK resident. Search by name and/or address.

The full Electoral Roll is one of several UK data sources within our Person Verification method, commonly used for a number of identification checks including KYC and AML checks.

For documentaion on usage please refer to the electoral_roll method as they both operate with the same input parameters and have identical response structures except responses from the full_electoral_roll method will be contained within a <full_electoral_roll_res> element.

Restricted access

Please note the use of this method is only permitted to certain organisations e.g. local authorities and police forces. This method will respond with an error code if you have not been given access.

For documentaion on usage please refer to the electoral_roll method.

API Endpoint & Authentication

Price calculator

Price Calculator

Number of checks: 50 Price per check: 50p